"The future starts today, not tomorrow."
-Pope John Paul II

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Getting Started

I can attest to what it takes to prepare yourself for the athletic playing field. It's been a sacrifice every day of my life ever since I decided to be the best athlete I can be. The sacrifice isn't just limited to the countless hours in the weight room or in the batting cages, but a complete lifestyle change. I've overhauled my diet, sleep schedule, and study habits to be in accord with athletic success.

And believe me, it has been difficult, and to top it off, the results don't always reflect the work. I can put two hours into a batting cage session and go 0-3 the next day.

But at this moment in time, change your perception on religion, faith, and virtue. It's not something you go through the motions with or do because that's what your parents did. Understand it to be a competition. Your team consists of God, your church, and your family. With your team, you must defeat the Devil's team and to win, you must be the best you can be.

With that being said, being the best requires a lifestyle changes as previously stated. Begin to make the necessary changes. Pray, read your Bible, don't be afraid to listen at church this Sunday, and eliminate vices.

And believe me, it will be difficult, and to top it off, the results don't always reflect the work, at least as far as you know! But God understands, trust and have faith that he will not fail you.


In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

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