"The future starts today, not tomorrow."
-Pope John Paul II

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dealing with Failure

The fact of the matter is, you are going to fail.

If a baseball player can reach base with a hit in 3 out of 10 times, he is an All-Star, making millions upon millions of dollars a year. Your coach will not expect, although he certainly hopes, for you to drive the runner in.

A priest at my church has a go-to phrase, and it has stuck with me, even at my points of religious apathy, and it goes like this: "Saints are sinners that keep on trying." It's a powerful statement. To think that perhaps Mother Theresa slipped up every once and a while is comforting.

And then there's guilt. The despair of looking yourself in the mirror can be overwhelming. Guilt often lead to compound failures for me during my initial days of striving for chastity. I would think, "Well I screwed up just now, there's no use in trying anymore." It's tough to think of yourself as a child of God striving to be like Christ fresh off a bone-head mess up.

But through guidance of people who dearly loved me, I began to understand a certain notion. As a kid, how many times did you not do your chores? Or go directly against your parent's wishes. If I had a nickel for each I would be giving Bill Gates a run for his money. But the amazing thing is, my parents still want a kiss every time I leave the house, or get choked up each time I depart for college. They still love me! Sure they got upset, I learned my lesson, and soon enough I stopped. They knew an instillation of cleanliness and obedience was the best for me.

God is the ultimate parent. He loves you more than you can even imagine. It's amazing that you'll never understand until you are immersed in it once you work into Heaven (Yes, Work!). News flash! Don't be guilty! He has infinite forgiveness and he wants nothing more than for you to succeed. Through Confession and your penance, you are expected to learn your lesson.

Inside your head, each and every time face yourself towards the Devil, understand that if you want to get better, you will, because God never gives up on you. And unlike athletics, you'll never be benched. You are the quarterback, catcher, point guard, and goal tender.

Never give up. Compete.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Getting Started

I can attest to what it takes to prepare yourself for the athletic playing field. It's been a sacrifice every day of my life ever since I decided to be the best athlete I can be. The sacrifice isn't just limited to the countless hours in the weight room or in the batting cages, but a complete lifestyle change. I've overhauled my diet, sleep schedule, and study habits to be in accord with athletic success.

And believe me, it has been difficult, and to top it off, the results don't always reflect the work. I can put two hours into a batting cage session and go 0-3 the next day.

But at this moment in time, change your perception on religion, faith, and virtue. It's not something you go through the motions with or do because that's what your parents did. Understand it to be a competition. Your team consists of God, your church, and your family. With your team, you must defeat the Devil's team and to win, you must be the best you can be.

With that being said, being the best requires a lifestyle changes as previously stated. Begin to make the necessary changes. Pray, read your Bible, don't be afraid to listen at church this Sunday, and eliminate vices.

And believe me, it will be difficult, and to top it off, the results don't always reflect the work, at least as far as you know! But God understands, trust and have faith that he will not fail you.


In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.